
Summer 1991

Volume VI, Number 2

In This Issue

Ek Says: “Sorry”

“I’m sorry we can’t respond positively to your request,” wrote Covenant Vice President Timothy Ek to Pietisten’s editor. “Thanks for your offer.”

Mark 5:21-43 and Waldenström’s Commentary translated by Tommy Carlson

The Gift of Authority by Phil Johnson

Authority is a gift, a wonderful gift. This gift is the source of human knowledge. It is a gift that comes with being human. Human authority issues from human authors, and human authors are individual persons who are born and who die.

“Come, Holy Spirit — Renew the Whole Creation” by Robert McNaughton

Canberra—an Aboriginal word meaning “the meeting place” is the capital of Australia and a beautiful site in February more there is to be done. Orthodox service was divisive for many and tells us how much—for an international gathering.

Lay-Sunday Meditation on John 8:31-59 by Tommy Carlson

It is ironic that a denomination whose very beginning and formation was the result of lay people gathering in homes for the study of God’s word, the singing of hymns, praying with and for each other, and generally nurturing and caring for each other in their faith journey now has one official day designated “Laity Sunday” in which the laity is in some small way recognized.

Lina Sandell at North Park by J. Irving Erickson

On a trip to Sweden in 1975 I visited Fröderyd, a little town in the province of Småland. This was the birthplace and early home of Karolina Sandell-Berg. The little cottage in which she lived is now a museum. Beside it is an ancient ash tree. She was said to be sitting on one of its boughs while she wrote “Tryggare kan ingen vara” (Children of the Heavenly Father).

The Case of the Disturbed Corn Flakes by Elder M. Lindahl

There’s an old adage—Confession is good for the soul. From time to time, Covenanters are encouraged to share in the ritual confession of their sinful ways.

The Pop Stand by Penrod

Everything at Koochiching Covenant Bible Camp near Big Falls, Minnesota revolved around its main event—the evening service. At least that was the way it was supposed to be.

A Repentance Without Absolution by Glen Wiberg

Recently in our Pastors’ Bible Seminar, we were discussing the tragedy of King Saul, his failed reign and eventual suicide, a discussion which led us to reflect on the tragedy of Judas - his betrayal of Christ and his suicide. Reading the moving funeral elegy or lament, intoned by David for both Saul and Jonathan, set me to wondering, “Who intoned the Service for the Dead at the burial of Judas? Would it have been the friends he collaborated with in the temple, the elders and the chief priests, perhaps even Caiaphas? Probably not because in the text we just read, they seem eager to disassociate themselves from Judas and his blood money.

A Testament to Freedom — A Review Essay by Michael Hardin

Burton Nelson and Geffrey Kelly have given the English-speaking world a great gift in their work on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. They have produced a collection of the essential writings of Bonhoeffer in one volume. Bonhoeffer’s writings have been edited, reedited and translated in over seventeen volumes in the past thirty-five years, but here in one volume, one can find selections judiciously arranged that lead one to the heart of Bonhoeffer, the pastor and theologian.

On Being Human by Sigurd Westberg

We denigrate our humanity without much thought. “After all, I’m only human.” “To err is human.”

Willard’s Not-Last Meal by Joan Marie (Lindquist) Carlson

(Retold from the “Tributes to Willard Berggren” in the last issue with the editor’s errors and omission corrected.)

Anguish and Providence by Arthur W. Anderson

Imagine 37,000 lives swept away in a typhoon. The catastrophe in Bangladesh strains one’s belief in God’s providential care as well as in the dignity of human life.

Out and About by Phil Johnson

Schubert Club Concert, March 28, 1991; President Horner at Bethlehem, April 21, 1991

Sport Report by Phil Johnson

Good Shepherd Pummels Pietists; Chicago Mission Basketball League Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Reading by Phil Johnson

The only person, so far, to move a finger to supply some material for this column is Shelley Ritchie, writing from Japan.

Observations on a Pastoral Style by Rev. Jim Sundholm

He offered children a shelter when their parents just didn’t come home, used the church van to help families move, drove the route to pick up children for preschool and Sunday services, took children to school when they missed the bus, directed Trailblazers, taught Sunday School and Confirmation, led midweek Bible study and prayer, preached on Sunday morning, cut the grass, offered care in crisis circumstances of varying severity, and more.

Post: Readers Respond

The Old Painter by David Mampel