
Lindahl, Muriel

Muriel Lindahl is a free-lance writer.

Breaking Home Ties (Summer 1999)

The greatest gift we can give our children is their independence. Our first child had to struggle for hers; she paved the way for the others. Our second and third had it easier, for all I had to hear was, "Mom, this is not your business," or "If I want your help, I know where you are," and I backed off. When our fourth came of age, we handed her independence gift wrapped and on a silver platter. We knew it was inevitable. We held our breath for a few years, but somehow we all survived—mother, father, and child.

The Greatest Generation (Spring 2001)

The Greatest Generation is a great book, one of the best! The reason I enjoyed it so much was that Brokaw writes so well, introduces us to some authentic individuals and seems to capture the character of this time period in our history. In the same book you get history, biography, autobiography, romance, tragedy, and triumph. I encourage everyone to read this inspiring book.

Relationships that Work (Winter 2002-2003)

"Just coffee this morning!" I overheard a woman say to the waitress. "No breakfast?" questioned the waitress. "No, I just had to flee my house!" was her reply.