
Waldenstrom's Commentary

Galatians 2:11-21 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Summer 1986)

I Peter 4:12-19 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Fall 1986)

Matthew 4:1-11 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Winter 1987)

II Corinthians 4:7-18 and Waldenström's Commentary (Spring 1987)

John 8:31-30 and Waldenström's Commentary (Summer 1987)

Luke 2:1-20 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1987)

John 20:1-18 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 1988)

I Shall Exalt You, Lord (Spring 1988)

Mark 9:38-50 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1988)

Luke 12:32-34 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 1988)

John 17:20-26 and Waldenström's Commentary (Spring 1989)

Galatians 6:1-10, 14-16 and Waldenström's Commentary (Summer 1989)

Psalm 27:13 and Luke 18:1-8 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1989)

Dedicated to the Memory of Carl Carlson

Matthew 2:13-23 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 1989)

Matthew 28:1-15 and Waldenström's Commentary (Spring 1990)

John 8:31-51 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1990)

The Letter to the Hebrews 1:1-14 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 1990)

John 3:14-21 and Waldenström's Commentary (Spring 1991)

Mark 5:21-43 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Summer 1991)

James 4:7-5:6 and Waldenstrom’s Commentary (Fall 1991)

Luke 2:41-52 and Waldenstrom’s Commentary (Winter 1991)

Philippians 2:5-11 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Spring 1992)

Luke 17:11–19 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Fall 1992)

Philippians 4:4-9 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1998)

John 19:38-42 with Waldenström’s Commentary (Spring 2000)

James 1:17-27 with Waldenström’s Commentary (Summer 2000)

Luke 12:32-34 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Winter 2000)

Philipians 4:4-9 and Waldenström's Commentary - Episle Lesson for Thanksgiving Day (Summer 2001)

I Corinthians 11:23-26 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 2001-2002)

Luke 13:6-9 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 2002-2003)

Luke 14:1, 7-14 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 2004)

Matthew 27:27-32 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Winter 2004-2005)

Luke 1:26-38 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Christmas 2006)

Romans Chapter 8:18-23 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Christmas 2007)

Matthew Chapter 28: 16-20 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Spring 2008)

Luke 6:36-42 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Christmas 2008)

Luke 19:12-27 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Epiphany 2010)